package org.kohsuke.github;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
// TODO: Auto-generated Javadoc
* A GitHub API Rate Limit Checker called before each request.
* <p>
* GitHub allots a certain number of requests to each user or application per period of time. The number of requests
* remaining and the time when the number will be reset is returned in the response header and can also be requested
* using {@link GitHub#getRateLimit()}. The "requests per interval" is referred to as the "rate limit".
* </p>
* <p>
* Different parts of the GitHub API have separate rate limits, but most of REST API uses {@link RateLimitTarget#CORE}.
* Checking your rate limit using {@link GitHub#getRateLimit()} does not effect your rate limit. GitHub prefers that
* clients stop before exceeding their rate limit rather than stopping after they exceed it.
* </p>
* <p>
* This class provides the infrastructure for calling the appropriate {@link RateLimitChecker} before each request and
* retrying than call many times as needed. Each {@link RateLimitChecker} decides whether to wait and for how long. This
* allows for a wide range of {@link RateLimitChecker} implementations, including complex throttling strategies and
* polling.
* </p>
* @author Liam Newman
class GitHubRateLimitChecker {
private final RateLimitChecker core;
private final RateLimitChecker search;
private final RateLimitChecker graphql;
private final RateLimitChecker integrationManifest;
private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(GitHubRateLimitChecker.class.getName());
* Instantiates a new git hub rate limit checker.
GitHubRateLimitChecker() {
this(RateLimitChecker.NONE, RateLimitChecker.NONE, RateLimitChecker.NONE, RateLimitChecker.NONE);
* Instantiates a new git hub rate limit checker.
* @param core
* the core
* @param search
* the search
* @param graphql
* the graphql
* @param integrationManifest
* the integration manifest
GitHubRateLimitChecker(@Nonnull RateLimitChecker core,
@Nonnull RateLimitChecker search,
@Nonnull RateLimitChecker graphql,
@Nonnull RateLimitChecker integrationManifest) {
this.core = Objects.requireNonNull(core); = Objects.requireNonNull(search);
this.graphql = Objects.requireNonNull(graphql);
this.integrationManifest = Objects.requireNonNull(integrationManifest);
* Constructs a new {@link GitHubRateLimitChecker} with a new checker for a particular target.
* Only one {@link RateLimitChecker} is allowed per target.
* @param checker
* the {@link RateLimitChecker} to apply.
* @param rateLimitTarget
* the {@link RateLimitTarget} for this checker. If {@link RateLimitTarget#NONE}, checker will be ignored
* and no change will be made.
* @return a new {@link GitHubRateLimitChecker}
GitHubRateLimitChecker with(@Nonnull RateLimitChecker checker, @Nonnull RateLimitTarget rateLimitTarget) {
return new GitHubRateLimitChecker(rateLimitTarget == RateLimitTarget.CORE ? checker : core,
rateLimitTarget == RateLimitTarget.SEARCH ? checker : search,
rateLimitTarget == RateLimitTarget.GRAPHQL ? checker : graphql,
rateLimitTarget == RateLimitTarget.INTEGRATION_MANIFEST ? checker : integrationManifest);
* Checks whether there is sufficient requests remaining within this client's rate limit quota to make the current
* request.
* <p>
* This method does not do the actual check. Instead it selects the appropriate {@link RateLimitChecker} and
* {@link GHRateLimit.Record} for the current request's {@link RateLimitTarget}. It then calls
* {@link RateLimitChecker#checkRateLimit(GHRateLimit.Record, long)}.
* </p>
* <p>
* It is up to {@link RateLimitChecker#checkRateLimit(GHRateLimit.Record, long)} to which decide if the rate limit
* has been exceeded. If it has, {@link RateLimitChecker#checkRateLimit(GHRateLimit.Record, long)} will sleep for as
* long is it chooses and then return {@code true}. If not, that method will return {@code false}.
* </p>
* <p>
* As long as {@link RateLimitChecker#checkRateLimit(GHRateLimit.Record, long)} returns {@code true}, this method
* will request updated rate limit information and call
* {@link RateLimitChecker#checkRateLimit(GHRateLimit.Record, long)} again. This looping allows different
* {@link RateLimitChecker} implementations to apply any number of strategies to controlling the speed at which
* requests are made.
* </p>
* <p>
* When the {@link RateLimitChecker} returns {@code false} this method will return and the request processing will
* continue.
* </p>
* <p>
* If the {@link RateLimitChecker} for this the current request's urlPath is {@link RateLimitChecker#NONE} the rate
* limit is not checked.
* </p>
* @param client
* the {@link GitHubClient} to check
* @param rateLimitTarget
* the {@link RateLimitTarget} to check against
* @throws IOException
* if there is an I/O error
void checkRateLimit(GitHubClient client, @Nonnull RateLimitTarget rateLimitTarget) throws IOException {
RateLimitChecker guard = selectChecker(rateLimitTarget);
if (guard == RateLimitChecker.NONE) {
// For the first rate limit, accept the current limit if a valid one is already present.
GHRateLimit rateLimit = client.rateLimit(rateLimitTarget);
GHRateLimit.Record rateLimitRecord = rateLimit.getRecord(rateLimitTarget);
long waitCount = 0;
try {
while (guard.checkRateLimit(rateLimitRecord, waitCount)) {
// When rate limit is exceeded, sleep for one additional second beyond when the
// called {@link RateLimitChecker} sleeps.
// Reset time is only accurate to the second, so adding a one second buffer for safety is a good idea.
// This also keeps polling clients from querying too often.
// After the first wait, always request a new rate limit from the server.
rateLimit = client.getRateLimit(rateLimitTarget);
rateLimitRecord = rateLimit.getRecord(rateLimitTarget);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw (IOException) new InterruptedIOException(e.getMessage()).initCause(e);
* Gets the appropriate {@link RateLimitChecker} for a particular target.
* Analogous with {@link GHRateLimit#getRecord(RateLimitTarget)}.
* @param rateLimitTarget
* the rate limit to check
* @return the {@link RateLimitChecker} for a particular target
private RateLimitChecker selectChecker(@Nonnull RateLimitTarget rateLimitTarget) {
if (rateLimitTarget == RateLimitTarget.NONE) {
return RateLimitChecker.NONE;
} else if (rateLimitTarget == RateLimitTarget.CORE) {
return core;
} else if (rateLimitTarget == RateLimitTarget.SEARCH) {
return search;
} else if (rateLimitTarget == RateLimitTarget.GRAPHQL) {
return graphql;
} else if (rateLimitTarget == RateLimitTarget.INTEGRATION_MANIFEST) {
return integrationManifest;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown rate limit target: " + rateLimitTarget.toString());