package org.kohsuke.github;

import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.kohsuke.github.connector.GitHubConnectorResponse;

import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;

import javax.annotation.Nonnull;

import static;
import static;
import static;

// TODO: Auto-generated Javadoc
 * Pluggable strategy to detect and choose what to do when errors occur during an http request.
 * @author Liam Newman
abstract class GitHubConnectorResponseErrorHandler {

     * The HTTP 429 Too Many Requests response status code indicates the user has sent too many requests in a given
     * amount of time ("rate limiting").
     * A Retry-After header might be included to this response indicating how long to wait before making a new request.
     * Why is this hardcoded here? The HttpURLConnection class is missing the status codes above 415, so the constant
     * needs to be sourced from elsewhere.
    public static final int TOO_MANY_REQUESTS = 429;

     * Called to detect an error handled by this handler.
     * @param connectorResponse
     *            the connector response
     * @return {@code true} if there is an error and {@link #onError(GitHubConnectorResponse)} should be called
     * @throws IOException
     *             Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
    abstract boolean isError(@Nonnull GitHubConnectorResponse connectorResponse) throws IOException;

     * Called when the library encounters HTTP error matching {@link #isError(GitHubConnectorResponse)}
     * <p>
     * Any exception thrown from this method will cause the request to fail, and the caller of github-api will receive
     * an exception. If this method returns normally, another request will be attempted. For that to make sense, the
     * implementation needs to wait for some time.
     * @param connectorResponse
     *            Response information for this request.
     * @throws IOException
     *             the io exception
     * @see <a href="">API documentation from GitHub</a>
    public abstract void onError(@Nonnull GitHubConnectorResponse connectorResponse) throws IOException;

    /** The status http bad request or greater. */
    static GitHubConnectorResponseErrorHandler STATUS_HTTP_BAD_REQUEST_OR_GREATER = new GitHubConnectorResponseErrorHandler() {
        private static final String CONTENT_TYPE = "Content-type";
        private static final String TEXT_HTML = "text/html";
        private static final String UNICORN_TITLE = "<title>Unicorn!";

        public boolean isError(@NotNull GitHubConnectorResponse connectorResponse) throws IOException {
            return connectorResponse.statusCode() >= HTTP_BAD_REQUEST;

        public void onError(@NotNull GitHubConnectorResponse connectorResponse) throws IOException {
            if (connectorResponse.statusCode() == HTTP_NOT_FOUND) {
                throw new FileNotFoundException(connectorResponse.request().url().toString());
            } else if (isServiceDown(connectorResponse)) {
                throw new ServiceDownException(connectorResponse);
            } else {
                throw new HttpException(connectorResponse);

        private boolean isServiceDown(GitHubConnectorResponse connectorResponse) throws IOException {
            if (connectorResponse.statusCode() < HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR) {
                return false;

            String contentTypeHeader = connectorResponse.header(CONTENT_TYPE);
            if (contentTypeHeader != null && contentTypeHeader.contains(TEXT_HTML)) {
                try (BufferedReader bufReader = new BufferedReader(
                        new InputStreamReader(connectorResponse.bodyStream(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8))) {
                    String line;
                    int hardLineCap = 25;
                    // <title> node is expected in the beginning anyway.
                    // This way we do not load the raw long images' Strings, which are later in the HTML code
                    // Regex or .contains would result in iterating the whole HTML document, if it didn't match
                    // UNICORN_TITLE
                    while (hardLineCap > 0 && (line = bufReader.readLine()) != null) {
                        if (line.trim().startsWith(UNICORN_TITLE)) {
                            return true;

            return false;