 * The MIT License
 * Copyright (c) 2010, Kohsuke Kawaguchi
 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
 * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
 * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
 * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
 * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
 * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
 * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
package org.kohsuke.github;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectReader;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings;
import org.kohsuke.github.authorization.AuthorizationProvider;
import org.kohsuke.github.authorization.ImmutableAuthorizationProvider;
import org.kohsuke.github.authorization.UserAuthorizationProvider;
import org.kohsuke.github.connector.GitHubConnector;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import javax.annotation.CheckForNull;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;

// TODO: Auto-generated Javadoc
 * Root of the GitHub API.
 * <h2>Thread safety</h2>
 * <p>
 * This library aims to be safe for use by multiple threads concurrently, although the library itself makes no attempt
 * to control/serialize potentially conflicting operations to GitHub, such as updating &amp; deleting a repository at
 * the same time.
 * @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi
public class GitHub {

    private final GitHubClient client;

    private GHMyself myself;

    private final ConcurrentMap<String, GHUser> users;
    private final ConcurrentMap<String, GHOrganization> orgs;

    private final GitHubSanityCachedValue<GHMeta> sanityCachedMeta = new GitHubSanityCachedValue<>();

     * Creates a client API root object.
     * <p>
     * Several different combinations of the login/oauthAccessToken/password parameters are allowed to represent
     * different ways of authentication.
     * <dl>
     * <dt>Log in anonymously
     * <dd>Leave all three parameters null and you will be making HTTP requests without any authentication.
     * <dt>Log in with password
     * <dd>Specify the login and password, then leave oauthAccessToken null. This will use the HTTP BASIC auth with the
     * GitHub API.
     * <dt>Log in with OAuth token
     * <dd>Specify oauthAccessToken, and optionally specify the login. Leave password null. This will send OAuth token
     * to the GitHub API. If the login parameter is null, The constructor makes an API call to figure out the user name
     * that owns the token.
     * <dt>Log in with JWT token
     * <dd>Specify jwtToken. Leave password null. This will send JWT token to the GitHub API via the Authorization HTTP
     * header. Please note that only operations in which permissions have been previously configured and accepted during
     * the GitHub App will be executed successfully.
     * </dl>
     * @param apiUrl
     *            The URL of GitHub (or GitHub enterprise) API endpoint, such as "" or
     *            "". Note that GitHub Enterprise has <code>/api/v3</code> in the URL. For
     *            historical reasons, this parameter still accepts the bare domain name, but that's considered
     *            deprecated.
     * @param connector
     *            a connector
     * @param rateLimitHandler
     *            rateLimitHandler
     * @param abuseLimitHandler
     *            abuseLimitHandler
     * @param rateLimitChecker
     *            rateLimitChecker
     * @param authorizationProvider
     *            a authorization provider
     * @throws IOException
     *             Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
    @SuppressFBWarnings(value = { "CT_CONSTRUCTOR_THROW" }, justification = "internal constructor")
    GitHub(String apiUrl,
            GitHubConnector connector,
            GitHubRateLimitHandler rateLimitHandler,
            GitHubAbuseLimitHandler abuseLimitHandler,
            GitHubRateLimitChecker rateLimitChecker,
            AuthorizationProvider authorizationProvider) throws IOException {
        if (authorizationProvider instanceof DependentAuthorizationProvider) {
            ((DependentAuthorizationProvider) authorizationProvider).bind(this);
        } else if (authorizationProvider instanceof ImmutableAuthorizationProvider
                && authorizationProvider instanceof UserAuthorizationProvider) {
            UserAuthorizationProvider provider = (UserAuthorizationProvider) authorizationProvider;
            if (provider.getLogin() == null && provider.getEncodedAuthorization() != null
                    && provider.getEncodedAuthorization().startsWith("token")) {
                authorizationProvider = new LoginLoadingUserAuthorizationProvider(provider, this);

        users = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
        orgs = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

        this.client = new GitHubClient(apiUrl,

        // Ensure we have the login if it is available
        // This preserves previously existing behavior. Consider removing in future.
        if (authorizationProvider instanceof LoginLoadingUserAuthorizationProvider) {
            ((LoginLoadingUserAuthorizationProvider) authorizationProvider).getLogin();

    private GitHub(GitHubClient client) {
        users = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
        orgs = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
        this.client = client;

    private static class LoginLoadingUserAuthorizationProvider implements UserAuthorizationProvider {
        private final GitHub gitHub;
        private final AuthorizationProvider authorizationProvider;
        private boolean loginLoaded = false;
        private String login;

        LoginLoadingUserAuthorizationProvider(AuthorizationProvider authorizationProvider, GitHub gitHub) {
            this.gitHub = gitHub;
            this.authorizationProvider = authorizationProvider;

        public String getEncodedAuthorization() throws IOException {
            return authorizationProvider.getEncodedAuthorization();

        public String getLogin() {
            synchronized (this) {
                if (!loginLoaded) {
                    loginLoaded = true;
                    try {
                        GHMyself u = gitHub.setMyself();
                        if (u != null) {
                            login = u.getLogin();
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                return login;

     * The Class DependentAuthorizationProvider.
    public static abstract class DependentAuthorizationProvider implements AuthorizationProvider {

        private GitHub baseGitHub;
        private GitHub gitHub;
        private final AuthorizationProvider authorizationProvider;

         * An AuthorizationProvider that requires an authenticated GitHub instance to provide its authorization.
         * @param authorizationProvider
         *            A authorization provider to be used when refreshing this authorization provider.
        protected DependentAuthorizationProvider(AuthorizationProvider authorizationProvider) {
            this.authorizationProvider = authorizationProvider;

         * Binds this authorization provider to a github instance.
         * Only needs to be implemented by dynamic credentials providers that use a github instance in order to refresh.
         * @param github
         *            The github instance to be used for refreshing dynamic credentials
        synchronized void bind(GitHub github) {
            if (baseGitHub != null) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Already bound to another GitHub instance.");
            this.baseGitHub = github;

         * Git hub.
         * @return the git hub
        protected synchronized final GitHub gitHub() {
            if (gitHub == null) {
                gitHub = new GitHub.AuthorizationRefreshGitHubWrapper(this.baseGitHub, authorizationProvider);
            return gitHub;

    private static class AuthorizationRefreshGitHubWrapper extends GitHub {

        private final AuthorizationProvider authorizationProvider;

        AuthorizationRefreshGitHubWrapper(GitHub github, AuthorizationProvider authorizationProvider) {
            this.authorizationProvider = authorizationProvider;

            // no dependent authorization providers nest like this currently, but they might in future
            if (authorizationProvider instanceof DependentAuthorizationProvider) {
                ((DependentAuthorizationProvider) authorizationProvider).bind(this);

        Requester createRequest() {
            try {
                // Override
                return super.createRequest().setHeader("Authorization", authorizationProvider.getEncodedAuthorization())
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new GHException("Failed to create requester to refresh credentials", e);

     * Obtains the credential from "~/.github" or from the System Environment Properties.
     * @return the git hub
     * @throws IOException
     *             the io exception
    public static GitHub connect() throws IOException {
        return GitHubBuilder.fromCredentials().build();

     * Version that connects to GitHub Enterprise.
     * @param apiUrl
     *            The URL of GitHub (or GitHub Enterprise) API endpoint, such as "" or
     *            "". Note that GitHub Enterprise has <code>/api/v3</code> in the URL. For
     *            historical reasons, this parameter still accepts the bare domain name, but that's considered
     *            deprecated.
     * @param login
     *            the login
     * @param oauthAccessToken
     *            the oauth access token
     * @return the git hub
     * @throws IOException
     *             the io exception
    public static GitHub connectToEnterpriseWithOAuth(String apiUrl, String login, String oauthAccessToken)
            throws IOException {
        return new GitHubBuilder().withEndpoint(apiUrl).withOAuthToken(oauthAccessToken, login).build();

     * Connect git hub.
     * @param login
     *            the login
     * @param oauthAccessToken
     *            the oauth access token
     * @return the git hub
     * @throws IOException
     *             the io exception
    public static GitHub connect(String login, String oauthAccessToken) throws IOException {
        return new GitHubBuilder().withOAuthToken(oauthAccessToken, login).build();

     * Connect using o auth git hub.
     * @param oauthAccessToken
     *            the oauth access token
     * @return the git hub
     * @throws IOException
     *             the io exception
    public static GitHub connectUsingOAuth(String oauthAccessToken) throws IOException {
        return new GitHubBuilder().withOAuthToken(oauthAccessToken).build();

     * Connect using o auth git hub.
     * @param githubServer
     *            the github server
     * @param oauthAccessToken
     *            the oauth access token
     * @return the git hub
     * @throws IOException
     *             the io exception
    public static GitHub connectUsingOAuth(String githubServer, String oauthAccessToken) throws IOException {
        return new GitHubBuilder().withEndpoint(githubServer).withOAuthToken(oauthAccessToken).build();

     * Connects to GitHub anonymously.
     * <p>
     * All operations that require authentication will fail.
     * @return the git hub
     * @throws IOException
     *             the io exception
    public static GitHub connectAnonymously() throws IOException {
        return new GitHubBuilder().build();

     * Connects to GitHub Enterprise anonymously.
     * <p>
     * All operations that require authentication will fail.
     * @param apiUrl
     *            the api url
     * @return the git hub
     * @throws IOException
     *             the io exception
    public static GitHub connectToEnterpriseAnonymously(String apiUrl) throws IOException {
        return new GitHubBuilder().withEndpoint(apiUrl).build();

     * An offline-only {@link GitHub} useful for parsing event notification from an unknown source.
     * <p>
     * All operations that require a connection will fail.
     * @return An offline-only {@link GitHub}.
    public static GitHub offline() {
        try {
            return new GitHubBuilder().withEndpoint("https://api.github.invalid")
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("The offline implementation constructor should not connect", e);

     * Is this an anonymous connection.
     * @return {@code true} if operations that require authentication will fail.
    public boolean isAnonymous() {
        return client.isAnonymous();

     * Is this an always offline "connection".
     * @return {@code true} if this is an always offline "connection".
    public boolean isOffline() {
        return client.isOffline();

     * Gets api url.
     * @return the api url
    public String getApiUrl() {
        return client.getApiUrl();

     * Gets the current full rate limit information from the server.
     * For some versions of GitHub Enterprise, the {@code /rate_limit} endpoint returns a {@code 404 Not Found}. In that
     * case, the most recent {@link GHRateLimit} information will be returned, including rate limit information returned
     * in the response header for this request in if was present.
     * For most use cases it would be better to implement a {@link RateLimitChecker} and add it via
     * {@link GitHubBuilder#withRateLimitChecker(RateLimitChecker)}.
     * @return the rate limit
     * @throws IOException
     *             the io exception
    public GHRateLimit getRateLimit() throws IOException {
        return client.getRateLimit();

     * Returns the most recently observed rate limit data or {@code null} if either there is no rate limit (for example
     * GitHub Enterprise) or if no requests have been made.
     * @return the most recently observed rate limit data or {@code null}.
     * @deprecated implement a {@link RateLimitChecker} and add it via
     *             {@link GitHubBuilder#withRateLimitChecker(RateLimitChecker)}.
    public GHRateLimit lastRateLimit() {
        return client.lastRateLimit();

     * Gets the current rate limit while trying not to actually make any remote requests unless absolutely necessary.
     * @return the current rate limit data.
     * @throws IOException
     *             if we couldn't get the current rate limit data.
     * @deprecated implement a {@link RateLimitChecker} and add it via
     *             {@link GitHubBuilder#withRateLimitChecker(RateLimitChecker)}.
    public GHRateLimit rateLimit() throws IOException {
        return client.rateLimit(RateLimitTarget.CORE);

     * Gets the {@link GHUser} that represents yourself.
     * @return the myself
     * @throws IOException
     *             the io exception
    @SuppressFBWarnings(value = { "EI_EXPOSE_REP" }, justification = "Expected")
    public GHMyself getMyself() throws IOException {
        return setMyself();

    private GHMyself setMyself() throws IOException {
        synchronized (this) {
            if (this.myself == null) {
                this.myself = createRequest().withUrlPath("/user").fetch(GHMyself.class);
            return myself;

     * Obtains the object that represents the named user.
     * @param login
     *            the login
     * @return the user
     * @throws IOException
     *             the io exception
    public GHUser getUser(String login) throws IOException {
        GHUser u = users.get(login);
        if (u == null) {
            u = createRequest().withUrlPath("/users/" + login).fetch(GHUser.class);
            users.put(u.getLogin(), u);
        return u;

     * clears all cached data in order for external changes (modifications and del) to be reflected.
    public void refreshCache() {

     * Interns the given {@link GHUser}.
     * @param orig
     *            the orig
     * @return the user
    protected GHUser getUser(GHUser orig) {
        GHUser u = users.get(orig.getLogin());
        if (u == null) {
            users.put(orig.getLogin(), orig);
            return orig;
        return u;

     * Gets {@link GHOrganization} specified by name.
     * @param name
     *            the name
     * @return the organization
     * @throws IOException
     *             the io exception
    public GHOrganization getOrganization(String name) throws IOException {
        GHOrganization o = orgs.get(name);
        if (o == null) {
            o = createRequest().withUrlPath("/orgs/" + name).fetch(GHOrganization.class);
            orgs.put(name, o);
        return o;

     * Gets a list of all organizations.
     * @return the paged iterable
    public PagedIterable<GHOrganization> listOrganizations() {
        return listOrganizations(null);

     * Gets a list of all organizations starting after the organization identifier specified by 'since'.
     * @param since
     *            the since
     * @return the paged iterable
     * @see <a href="">List All Orgs - Parameters</a>
    public PagedIterable<GHOrganization> listOrganizations(final String since) {
        return createRequest().with("since", since)
                .toIterable(GHOrganization[].class, null);

     * Gets the repository object from 'owner/repo' string that GitHub calls as "repository name".
     * @param name
     *            the name
     * @return the repository
     * @throws IOException
     *             the io exception
     * @see GHRepository#getName() GHRepository#getName()
    public GHRepository getRepository(String name) throws IOException {
        String[] tokens = name.split("/");
        if (tokens.length != 2) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Repository name must be in format owner/repo");
        return, tokens[0], tokens[1]);

     * Gets the repository object from its ID.
     * @param id
     *            the id
     * @return the repository by id
     * @throws IOException
     *             the io exception
    public GHRepository getRepositoryById(long id) throws IOException {
        return createRequest().withUrlPath("/repositories/" + id).fetch(GHRepository.class);

     * Returns a list of popular open source licenses.
     * @return a list of popular open source licenses
     * @throws IOException
     *             the io exception
     * @see <a href="">GitHub API - Licenses</a>
    public PagedIterable<GHLicense> listLicenses() throws IOException {
        return createRequest().withUrlPath("/licenses").toIterable(GHLicense[].class, null);

     * Returns a list of all users.
     * @return the paged iterable
     * @throws IOException
     *             the io exception
    public PagedIterable<GHUser> listUsers() throws IOException {
        return createRequest().withUrlPath("/users").toIterable(GHUser[].class, null);

     * Returns the full details for a license.
     * @param key
     *            The license key provided from the API
     * @return The license details
     * @throws IOException
     *             the io exception
     * @see GHLicense#getKey() GHLicense#getKey()
    public GHLicense getLicense(String key) throws IOException {
        return createRequest().withUrlPath("/licenses/" + key).fetch(GHLicense.class);

     * Returns a list all plans for your Marketplace listing
     * <p>
     * GitHub Apps must use a JWT to access this endpoint.
     * <p>
     * OAuth Apps must use basic authentication with their client ID and client secret to access this endpoint.
     * @return the paged iterable
     * @throws IOException
     *             the io exception
     * @see <a href="">List
     *      Plans</a>
    public PagedIterable<GHMarketplacePlan> listMarketplacePlans() throws IOException {
        return createRequest().withUrlPath("/marketplace_listing/plans").toIterable(GHMarketplacePlan[].class, null);

     * Gets complete list of open invitations for current user.
     * @return the my invitations
     * @throws IOException
     *             the io exception
    public List<GHInvitation> getMyInvitations() throws IOException {
        return createRequest().withUrlPath("/user/repository_invitations")
                .toIterable(GHInvitation[].class, null)

     * This method returns shallowly populated organizations.
     * <p>
     * To retrieve full organization details, you need to call {@link #getOrganization(String)} TODO: make this
     * automatic.
     * @return the my organizations
     * @throws IOException
     *             the io exception
    public Map<String, GHOrganization> getMyOrganizations() throws IOException {
        GHOrganization[] orgs = createRequest().withUrlPath("/user/orgs")
                .toIterable(GHOrganization[].class, null)
        Map<String, GHOrganization> r = new HashMap<>();
        for (GHOrganization o : orgs) {
            // don't put 'o' into orgs because they are shallow
            r.put(o.getLogin(), o);
        return r;

     * Returns only active subscriptions.
     * <p>
     * You must use a user-to-server OAuth access token, created for a user who has authorized your GitHub App, to
     * access this endpoint
     * <p>
     * OAuth Apps must authenticate using an OAuth token.
     * @return the paged iterable of GHMarketplaceUserPurchase
     * @throws IOException
     *             the io exception
     * @see <a href="">Get a user's
     *      Marketplace purchases</a>
    public PagedIterable<GHMarketplaceUserPurchase> getMyMarketplacePurchases() throws IOException {
        return createRequest().withUrlPath("/user/marketplace_purchases")
                .toIterable(GHMarketplaceUserPurchase[].class, null);

     * Alias for {@link #getUserPublicOrganizations(String)}.
     * @param user
     *            the user
     * @return the user public organizations
     * @throws IOException
     *             the io exception
    public Map<String, GHOrganization> getUserPublicOrganizations(GHUser user) throws IOException {
        return getUserPublicOrganizations(user.getLogin());

     * This method returns a shallowly populated organizations.
     * <p>
     * To retrieve full organization details, you need to call {@link #getOrganization(String)}
     * @param login
     *            the user to retrieve public Organization membership information for
     * @return the public Organization memberships for the user
     * @throws IOException
     *             the io exception
    public Map<String, GHOrganization> getUserPublicOrganizations(String login) throws IOException {
        GHOrganization[] orgs = createRequest().withUrlPath("/users/" + login + "/orgs")
                .toIterable(GHOrganization[].class, null)
        Map<String, GHOrganization> r = new HashMap<>();
        for (GHOrganization o : orgs) {
            // don't put 'o' into orgs cache because they are shallow records
            r.put(o.getLogin(), o);
        return r;

     * Gets complete map of organizations/teams that current user belongs to.
     * <p>
     * Leverages the new GitHub API /user/teams made available recently to get in a single call the complete set of
     * organizations, teams and permissions in a single call.
     * @return the my teams
     * @throws IOException
     *             the io exception
    public Map<String, Set<GHTeam>> getMyTeams() throws IOException {
        Map<String, Set<GHTeam>> allMyTeams = new HashMap<>();
        for (GHTeam team : createRequest().withUrlPath("/user/teams")
                .toIterable(GHTeam[].class, item -> item.wrapUp(this))
                .toArray()) {
            String orgLogin = team.getOrganization().getLogin();
            Set<GHTeam> teamsPerOrg = allMyTeams.get(orgLogin);
            if (teamsPerOrg == null) {
                teamsPerOrg = new HashSet<>();
            allMyTeams.put(orgLogin, teamsPerOrg);
        return allMyTeams;

     * Public events visible to you. Equivalent of what's displayed on
     * @return the events
     * @throws IOException
     *             the io exception
    public List<GHEventInfo> getEvents() throws IOException {
        return createRequest().withUrlPath("/events").toIterable(GHEventInfo[].class, null).toList();

     * List public events for a user
     * <a href="">see
     * API documentation</a>
     * @param login
     *            the login (user) to look public events for
     * @return the events
     * @throws IOException
     *             the io exception
    public List<GHEventInfo> getUserPublicEvents(String login) throws IOException {
        return createRequest().withUrlPath("/users/" + login + "/events/public")
                .toIterable(GHEventInfo[].class, null)

     * Gets a single gist by ID.
     * @param id
     *            the id
     * @return the gist
     * @throws IOException
     *             the io exception
    public GHGist getGist(String id) throws IOException {
        return createRequest().withUrlPath("/gists/" + id).fetch(GHGist.class);

     * Create gist gh gist builder.
     * @return the gh gist builder
    public GHGistBuilder createGist() {
        return new GHGistBuilder(this);

     * Parses the GitHub event object.
     * <p>
     * This is primarily intended for receiving a POST HTTP call from a hook. Unfortunately, hook script payloads aren't
     * self-descriptive, so you need to know the type of the payload you are expecting.
     * @param <T>
     *            the type parameter
     * @param r
     *            the r
     * @param type
     *            the type
     * @return the t
     * @throws IOException
     *             the io exception
    public <T extends GHEventPayload> T parseEventPayload(Reader r, Class<T> type) throws IOException {
        T t = GitHubClient.getMappingObjectReader(this).forType(type).readValue(r);
        return t;

     * Starts a builder that creates a new repository.
     * <p>
     * You use the returned builder to set various properties, then call {@link GHCreateRepositoryBuilder#create()} to
     * finally create a repository.
     * @param name
     *            the name
     * @return the gh create repository builder
    public GHCreateRepositoryBuilder createRepository(String name) {
        return new GHCreateRepositoryBuilder(name, this, "/user/repos");

     * Creates a new authorization.
     * <p>
     * The token created can be then used for {@link GitHub#connectUsingOAuth(String)} in the future.
     * @param scope
     *            the scope
     * @param note
     *            the note
     * @param noteUrl
     *            the note url
     * @return the gh authorization
     * @throws IOException
     *             the io exception
     * @see <a href="">Documentation</a>
    public GHAuthorization createToken(Collection<String> scope, String note, String noteUrl) throws IOException {
        Requester requester = createRequest().with("scopes", scope).with("note", note).with("note_url", noteUrl);

        return requester.method("POST").withUrlPath("/authorizations").fetch(GHAuthorization.class);

     * Creates a new authorization using an OTP.
     * <p>
     * Start by running createToken, if exception is thrown, prompt for OTP from user
     * <p>
     * Once OTP is received, call this token request
     * <p>
     * The token created can be then used for {@link GitHub#connectUsingOAuth(String)} in the future.
     * @param scope
     *            the scope
     * @param note
     *            the note
     * @param noteUrl
     *            the note url
     * @param OTP
     *            the otp
     * @return the gh authorization
     * @throws IOException
     *             the io exception
     * @see <a href="">Documentation</a>
    public GHAuthorization createToken(Collection<String> scope, String note, String noteUrl, Supplier<String> OTP)
            throws IOException {
        try {
            return createToken(scope, note, noteUrl);
        } catch (GHOTPRequiredException ex) {
            String OTPstring = OTP.get();
            Requester requester = createRequest().with("scopes", scope).with("note", note).with("note_url", noteUrl);
            // Add the OTP from the user
            requester.setHeader("x-github-otp", OTPstring);
            return requester.method("POST").withUrlPath("/authorizations").fetch(GHAuthorization.class);

     * Create or get auth gh authorization.
     * @param clientId
     *            the client id
     * @param clientSecret
     *            the client secret
     * @param scopes
     *            the scopes
     * @param note
     *            the note
     * @param note_url
     *            the note url
     * @return the gh authorization
     * @throws IOException
     *             the io exception
     * @see <a href=
     *      "">docs</a>
    public GHAuthorization createOrGetAuth(String clientId,
            String clientSecret,
            List<String> scopes,
            String note,
            String note_url) throws IOException {
        Requester requester = createRequest().with("client_secret", clientSecret)
                .with("scopes", scopes)
                .with("note", note)
                .with("note_url", note_url);

        return requester.method("PUT").withUrlPath("/authorizations/clients/" + clientId).fetch(GHAuthorization.class);

     * Delete auth.
     * @param id
     *            the id
     * @throws IOException
     *             the io exception
     * @see <a href="">Delete an
     *      authorization</a>
    public void deleteAuth(long id) throws IOException {
        createRequest().method("DELETE").withUrlPath("/authorizations/" + id).send();

     * Check auth gh authorization.
     * @param clientId
     *            the client id
     * @param accessToken
     *            the access token
     * @return the gh authorization
     * @throws IOException
     *             the io exception
     * @see <a href="">Check an
     *      authorization</a>
    public GHAuthorization checkAuth(@Nonnull String clientId, @Nonnull String accessToken) throws IOException {
        return createRequest().withUrlPath("/applications/" + clientId + "/tokens/" + accessToken)

     * Reset auth gh authorization.
     * @param clientId
     *            the client id
     * @param accessToken
     *            the access token
     * @return the gh authorization
     * @throws IOException
     *             the io exception
     * @see <a href="">Reset an
     *      authorization</a>
    public GHAuthorization resetAuth(@Nonnull String clientId, @Nonnull String accessToken) throws IOException {
        return createRequest().method("POST")
                .withUrlPath("/applications/" + clientId + "/tokens/" + accessToken)

     * Returns a list of all authorizations.
     * @return the paged iterable
     * @throws IOException
     *             the io exception
     * @see <a href="">List your
     *      authorizations</a>
    public PagedIterable<GHAuthorization> listMyAuthorizations() throws IOException {
        return createRequest().withUrlPath("/authorizations").toIterable(GHAuthorization[].class, null);

     * Returns the GitHub App associated with the authentication credentials used.
     * <p>
     * You must use a JWT to access this endpoint.
     * @return the app
     * @throws IOException
     *             the io exception
     * @see <a href="">Get the authenticated
     *      GitHub App</a>
    public GHApp getApp() throws IOException {
        return createRequest().withUrlPath("/app").fetch(GHApp.class);

     * Returns the GitHub App identified by the given slug
     * @param slug
     *            the slug of the application
     * @return the app
     * @throws IOException
     *             the IO exception
     * @see <a href="">Get an app</a>
    public GHApp getApp(@Nonnull String slug) throws IOException {
        return createRequest().withUrlPath("/apps/" + slug).fetch(GHApp.class);

     * Creates a GitHub App from a manifest.
     * @param code
     *            temporary code returned during the manifest flow
     * @return the app
     * @throws IOException
     *             the IO exception
     * @see <a href=
     *      "">Get an
     *      app</a>
    public GHAppFromManifest createAppFromManifest(@Nonnull String code) throws IOException {
        return createRequest().method("POST")
                .withUrlPath("/app-manifests/" + code + "/conversions")

     * Returns the GitHub App Installation associated with the authentication credentials used.
     * <p>
     * You must use an installation token to access this endpoint; otherwise consider {@link #getApp()} and its various
     * ways of retrieving installations.
     * @return the app
     * @throws IOException
     *             the io exception
     * @see <a href="">GitHub App installations</a>
    public GHAuthenticatedAppInstallation getInstallation() throws IOException {
        return new GHAuthenticatedAppInstallation(this);

     * Ensures that the credential is valid.
     * @return the boolean
    public boolean isCredentialValid() {
        return client.isCredentialValid();

     * Provides a list of GitHub's IP addresses.
     * @return an instance of {@link GHMeta}
     * @throws IOException
     *             if the credentials supplied are invalid or if you're trying to access it as a GitHub App via the JWT
     *             authentication
     * @see <a href="">Get Meta</a>
    public GHMeta getMeta() throws IOException {
        return this.sanityCachedMeta.get(() -> createRequest().withUrlPath("/meta").fetch(GHMeta.class));

     * Gets project.
     * @param id
     *            the id
     * @return the project
     * @throws IOException
     *             the io exception
    public GHProject getProject(long id) throws IOException {
        return createRequest().withUrlPath("/projects/" + id).fetch(GHProject.class);

     * Gets project column.
     * @param id
     *            the id
     * @return the project column
     * @throws IOException
     *             the io exception
    public GHProjectColumn getProjectColumn(long id) throws IOException {
        return createRequest().withUrlPath("/projects/columns/" + id).fetch(GHProjectColumn.class).lateBind(this);

     * Gets project card.
     * @param id
     *            the id
     * @return the project card
     * @throws IOException
     *             the io exception
    public GHProjectCard getProjectCard(long id) throws IOException {
        return createRequest().withUrlPath("/projects/columns/cards/" + id).fetch(GHProjectCard.class).lateBind(this);

     * Tests the connection.
     * <p>
     * Verify that the API URL and credentials are valid to access this GitHub.
     * <p>
     * This method returns normally if the endpoint is reachable and verified to be GitHub API URL. Otherwise this
     * method throws {@link IOException} to indicate the problem.
     * @throws IOException
     *             the io exception
    public void checkApiUrlValidity() throws IOException {

     * Search commits.
     * @return the gh commit search builder
    public GHCommitSearchBuilder searchCommits() {
        return new GHCommitSearchBuilder(this);

     * Search issues.
     * @return the gh issue search builder
    public GHIssueSearchBuilder searchIssues() {
        return new GHIssueSearchBuilder(this);

     * Search for pull requests.
     * @return gh pull request search builder
    public GHPullRequestSearchBuilder searchPullRequests() {
        return new GHPullRequestSearchBuilder(this);

     * Search users.
     * @return the gh user search builder
    public GHUserSearchBuilder searchUsers() {
        return new GHUserSearchBuilder(this);

     * Search repositories.
     * @return the gh repository search builder
    public GHRepositorySearchBuilder searchRepositories() {
        return new GHRepositorySearchBuilder(this);

     * Search content.
     * @return the gh content search builder
    public GHContentSearchBuilder searchContent() {
        return new GHContentSearchBuilder(this);

     * List all the notifications.
     * @return the gh notification stream
    public GHNotificationStream listNotifications() {
        return new GHNotificationStream(this, "/notifications");

     * This provides a dump of every public repository, in the order that they were created.
     * @return the paged iterable
     * @see <a href="">documentation</a>
    public PagedIterable<GHRepository> listAllPublicRepositories() {
        return listAllPublicRepositories(null);

     * This provides a dump of every public repository, in the order that they were created.
     * @param since
     *            The numeric ID of the last Repository that you’ve seen. See {@link GHRepository#getId()}
     * @return the paged iterable
     * @see <a href="">documentation</a>
    public PagedIterable<GHRepository> listAllPublicRepositories(final String since) {
        return createRequest().with("since", since).withUrlPath("/repositories").toIterable(GHRepository[].class, null);

     * Render a Markdown document in raw mode.
     * <p>
     * It takes a Markdown document as plaintext and renders it as plain Markdown without a repository context (just
     * like a file is rendered – this is the simplest way to preview a readme online).
     * @param text
     *            the text
     * @return the reader
     * @throws IOException
     *             the io exception
     * @see GHRepository#renderMarkdown(String, MarkdownMode) GHRepository#renderMarkdown(String, MarkdownMode)
    public Reader renderMarkdown(String text) throws IOException {
        return new InputStreamReader(
                        .with(new ByteArrayInputStream(text.getBytes("UTF-8")))

     * Gets an {@link ObjectWriter} that can be used to convert data objects in this library to JSON.
     * If you must convert data object in this library to JSON, the {@link ObjectWriter} returned by this method is the
     * only supported way of doing so. This {@link ObjectWriter} can be used to convert any library data object to JSON
     * without throwing an exception.
     * WARNING: While the JSON generated is generally expected to be stable, it is not part of the API of this library
     * and may change without warning. Use with extreme caution.
     * @return an {@link ObjectWriter} instance that can be further configured.
    public static ObjectWriter getMappingObjectWriter() {
        return GitHubClient.getMappingObjectWriter();

     * Gets an {@link ObjectReader} that can be used to convert JSON into library data objects.
     * If you must manually create library data objects from JSON, the {@link ObjectReader} returned by this method is
     * the only supported way of doing so.
     * WARNING: Objects generated from this method have limited functionality. They will not throw when being crated
     * from valid JSON matching the expected object, but they are not guaranteed to be usable beyond that. Use with
     * extreme caution.
     * @return an {@link ObjectReader} instance that can be further configured.
    public static ObjectReader getMappingObjectReader() {
        return GitHubClient.getMappingObjectReader(GitHub.offline());

     * Gets the client.
     * @return the client
    GitHubClient getClient() {
        return client;

     * Creates the request.
     * @return the requester
    Requester createRequest() {
        Requester requester = new Requester(client);
        if (!this.getClass().equals(GitHub.class)) {
            // For classes that extend GitHub, treat them still as a GitHub instance
            requester.injectMappingValue(GitHub.class.getName(), this);
        return requester;

     * Intern.
     * @param user
     *            the user
     * @return the GH user
     * @throws IOException
     *             Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
    GHUser intern(GHUser user) throws IOException {
        if (user != null) {
            // if we already have this user in our map, get it
            // if not, remember this new user
            GHUser existingUser = users.putIfAbsent(user.getLogin(), user);
            if (existingUser != null) {
                user = existingUser;
        return user;

    private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(GitHub.class.getName());