package org.kohsuke.github;
* Represents an error in a {@code CODEOWNERS} file. See <a href=
* "">the
* relevant documentation</a>.
* @author Michael Grant
public class GHCodeownersError {
* Create default GHCodeownersError instance
public GHCodeownersError() {
private int line, column;
private String kind, source, suggestion, message, path;
* Gets line.
* @return the line
public int getLine() {
return line;
* Gets column.
* @return the column
public int getColumn() {
return column;
* Gets kind.
* @return the kind
public String getKind() {
return kind;
* Gets source.
* @return the source
public String getSource() {
return source;
* Gets suggestion.
* @return the suggestion
public String getSuggestion() {
return suggestion;
* Gets message.
* @return the message
public String getMessage() {
return message;
* Gets path.
* @return the path
public String getPath() {
return path;