package org.kohsuke.github;

import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

// TODO: Auto-generated Javadoc
 * Generated OAuth token.
 * @author janinko
 * @see GitHub#createToken(Collection, String, String) GitHub#createToken(Collection, String, String)
 * @see <a href="">API documentation</a>
public class GHAuthorization extends GHObject {

     * Create default GHAuthorization instance
    public GHAuthorization() {

    /** The Constant USER. */
    public static final String USER = "user";

    /** The Constant USER_EMAIL. */
    public static final String USER_EMAIL = "user:email";

    /** The Constant USER_FOLLOW. */
    public static final String USER_FOLLOW = "user:follow";

    /** The Constant PUBLIC_REPO. */
    public static final String PUBLIC_REPO = "public_repo";

    /** The Constant REPO. */
    public static final String REPO = "repo";

    /** The Constant REPO_STATUS. */
    public static final String REPO_STATUS = "repo:status";

    /** The Constant DELETE_REPO. */
    public static final String DELETE_REPO = "delete_repo";

    /** The Constant NOTIFICATIONS. */
    public static final String NOTIFICATIONS = "notifications";

    /** The Constant GIST. */
    public static final String GIST = "gist";

    /** The Constant READ_HOOK. */
    public static final String READ_HOOK = "read:repo_hook";

    /** The Constant WRITE_HOOK. */
    public static final String WRITE_HOOK = "write:repo_hook";

    /** The Constant AMIN_HOOK. */
    public static final String AMIN_HOOK = "admin:repo_hook";

    /** The Constant READ_ORG. */
    public static final String READ_ORG = "read:org";

    /** The Constant WRITE_ORG. */
    public static final String WRITE_ORG = "write:org";

    /** The Constant ADMIN_ORG. */
    public static final String ADMIN_ORG = "admin:org";

    /** The Constant READ_KEY. */
    public static final String READ_KEY = "read:public_key";

    /** The Constant WRITE_KEY. */
    public static final String WRITE_KEY = "write:public_key";

    /** The Constant ADMIN_KEY. */
    public static final String ADMIN_KEY = "admin:public_key";

    private List<String> scopes;
    private String token;
    private String token_last_eight;
    private String hashed_token;
    private App app;
    private String note;
    private String note_url;
    private String fingerprint;
    // TODO add some user class for ?
    // private GHUser user;

     * Gets scopes.
     * @return the scopes
    public List<String> getScopes() {
        return Collections.unmodifiableList(scopes);

     * Gets token.
     * @return the token
    public String getToken() {
        return token;

     * Gets token last eight.
     * @return the token last eight
    public String getTokenLastEight() {
        return token_last_eight;

     * Gets hashed token.
     * @return the hashed token
    public String getHashedToken() {
        return hashed_token;

     * Gets app url.
     * @return the app url
    public URL getAppUrl() {
        return GitHubClient.parseURL(app.url);

     * Gets app name.
     * @return the app name
    public String getAppName() {

     * Gets note.
     * @return the note
    public String getNote() {
        return note;

     * Gets note url.
     * @return the note url
    public URL getNoteUrl() {
        return GitHubClient.parseURL(note_url);

     * Gets fingerprint.
     * @return the fingerprint
    public String getFingerprint() {
        return fingerprint;

            justification = "JSON API")
    private static class App {
        private String url;
        private String name;
        // private String client_id; not yet used